Our Services

  • Schools

    It is our commitment to embed safe, positive culture and learning environments for all students. We enhance mental health literacy and confidence through workshops with Education Support (ES) , teaching staff, leadership teams, students and carers. These workshops cover understanding neurodiversity, respectful adjustments, regulation strategies, being a brain ally and thriving as families with neurodiverse children.

    Workshops include:

    ~ Staff meetings

    ~ ES Workshops

    ~ Parent information sessions

    ~ Student Assemblies/ Group Workshops

    ~ Whole school Curriculum Days - half/full day

  • Staff Meetings

    Neurodiverse and typical brain development

    Trauma informed practice

    Effective school wide adjustments to ensure all students can thrive

    Practical, solution-based strategies for de-escalation that can be implemented by all staff members

    "Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." -Henry Ford

  • Education Support Staff

    A practical, must-do PL opportunity for all Disability Inclusion and ES staff

    Brain development and neurodiversity

    Trauma informed approach to managing behaviour

    Solution based de-escalation strategies

    Identification of professional strengths and further learning needs

    Managing self-care within an emotionally demanding role

    Q&A time

  • Student Workshops

    All children deserve to thrive! We think children are fantastic allies of one another; when they know better, they do better. Our aim is to build capacity for empathy and understanding.

    The age-appropriate student workshops fostering inclusion through understanding

    How to be a brain ally

    Appreciating that we are all similar and different.

    The Iceberg - what we can see verse what we cannot.

    Defining neurodiversity.

    Understanding neurodiversity and our united goal in creating inclusion.

    A sense of belonging - a right for all!

  • Parent/Carer information sessions

    The session explores:

    Understanding Neurodiversity in a school context

    Being aspirational and realistic

    Resources to support the school environment

    Working in partnership with the school